Free Parking in NYC

Parking in NYC is difficult and you’ll have to deal with expensive rates, too. Drivers hope to get cheaper rates in garages by going for those with signs like “$5 for the whole day” but these things can be deceiving. Traffic in New York City is like no other and the parking situation isn’t helping at all. With the economic recession going on, one can only hope for free parking in NYC so people don’t have to spend money to park their cars. The question is, is there really such a thing as free parking in NYC? If there is, how can you get a hold of one?

Free Parking on Sundays

The City Council makes Sundays a free parking day for all New Yorkers. Yes, you can park in any parking space you want on Sundays and won’t have to pay a cent for it. This legislation was enacted back in November 2005 and is still being practiced today. There are many signs in the city that will ask you to pay your parking meter and muni-meter during Sundays but these are not updated. This is way the Department of Transportation is doing what it can to change these signs immediately so that motorists won’t make a mistake of paying parking fees on Sundays.

Free Parking with Broken Meters Application

There is a new iPhone application called NYC Broken Meters. The purpose of the application is to look for broken meters all around the city to help motorists have a free hour of parking. This application is said to help save New Yorkers as much as $500 a month on their parking fees.

Parking on broken meters may sound illegal but the City Council is not banning this at all. This is because the makers of the program makes sure that the application is not all about getting free parking, but it is also about helping the city discover where the broken meters are. It is said that there are 5,000 broken meters in NYC at a given time and reporting this to the local authority will be a big help.

Makers of the NYC Broken Meter refer to their program as a means of paying it forward. They believe that people will report broken meters on the application so that they can also enjoy the benefits of getting a free hour of parking in the city.

Cheaper Parking with Parking Garages

While the information above are perhaps the only ways for you to get free parking in NYC, looking for cheap parking garages will still help you save money on parking fees. There are online sources that will give you a list of New York parking garages available at the time you need them. Rates and locations will be included, and they will provide you a map of how to get there. Parking in these garages can save you at least 10 to 25 cents per hour. The difference may not be that big, but the convenience it gives you will be well worth the search.


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